
🌶️ Pickled Cabbage Soup Base

Pickled cabbage has a fantastic tangy and sour flavor. Mixed with the meaty bone broth, the soup brings a sense a freshness to your hot pot journey.


Selected tomatoes made in to paste and fried with condiment, mixed with homemade bone soup. Taste sour and refreshing. Recommend with vegetables.

Mushroom Soup Base

The mushroom soup originates from Yunnan, where you can find the wildest and the best mushrooms in the world. The mushroom soup tastes milder than the spicy one and the flavor is deep. This milky soup base gives another definition of hot pot.

🌶️ Green Pepper Soup Base

Different from red pepper gives the flavor of spicy, green pepper brings more experience of “Numbing”. The taste is moderate at the beginning, however, the more you eat, the more your mouth and tough feel out of control. An adventure in your mouth!


How to make authentic Sichuan spicy soup for hot pot? We first fry Sichuan pepper and various Chinese spices in vegetable oil to release the aroma, then add the bone broth simmered for 8 hours. It tastes fiery, flavorful but not greasy as it looks.

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